Thursday, 27 February 2014



There is a soil that guarantees appropriate germination of a planted crop. When a seed is planted, it is expected to germinate and flourish. Grow into crops and bear a seed of its kind. But u the same seed is planted into a wrong soil, it will neither germinate nor flourish. Even if it germinates, it may not flourish. Man is a seed, so you are like a seed, therefore, appropriate planting in the right soil guarantees your germination and flourishing. You can't be planted in the wrong soil and expect to flourish in life. One of the chief causes of failure in life is wrong planting in the wrong soil. Where are u located? What job are u into? Are u adequately planted? You can't be in the same job where you are not planted an expect to germinate talk less of flourishing. It is painful that so many people are into business simply because they see others making it in the said business. That Mr A prospers in a business or Job does not guarantee Mr B the same other of prosperity. You need to find your location to be located. A brother had to relocate to another city and things began to change for him, another brother learnt of the same movement and decided to join but unfortunately for him, things didn't work out the way he wanted. Are you rightly planted in the right soil? Think about yourself and know where you are planted so that your flourishing may be sure. The planted seed also needs appropriate soil and environment to flourish. You need to be in the company of the wise to be wise. What are your environment? Look, you may be planted in the right soil but if you surround yourself with bad companies, you will find it hard to flourish. Examine your planting and make a step, if the place where you are doesn't change you, find your soil and get planted adequately so that your germination and flourishing may be sure. Keep soaring and be blessed as I see you changing levels very soon.


There is no hope of success for the person who does not have a central purpose, or definite goal at which to aim. Ninety-eight out of every hundred of those whom I have come across in seminars, had no such aim. There is no future for a man or woman without a clear purpose or goal of where him or her is going. Life is too short to spend on frivolities so a wise man will spend his time on his priorities and thus live a life of purpose. Some people are just waking up and sleeping everyday with no goals, no plan no vision and they expect to be successful. Things doesn't work that way. Show me a man with a well defined goal of what he wants to achieve and I will not only show you a man who is likely to achieve his goal but also a successful man. LACK of well defined purpose in life has dealt a blow on so many people. I want you to pick up your note book, write down your goals and what you want out of life and determine with the grace of God on your side to achieve them. Do you know that even Jesus had to plan his life, no wonder the World is yet to recover from His impact. If the Lord had a clear purpose for coming to earth, you must have a clear purpose for living, spelt out by daily planing with vision and hard work. You will get there soon. Keep soaring and be blessed.


Experience has proven that the BEST educated people are often those who are known as "self-made," or Self educated. It takes more than a college degree to make one a person of education. Any person who is educated is one who has learned to get whatever he wants in life without violating the rights of others. Education consists, not so much of knowledge, but of knowledge effectively and persistently APPLIED. Men are paid, not merely for what they know, but more particularly for WHAT THEY DO WITH THAT WHICH THEY KNOW. Knowledge in any field that is adequately applied will automatically lead to liberation. Look, the reason why people are stranded in life is not because there is the devil but because they don't know what to do to over power the devil. Therefore, if you don't want to be a failure, seek to know more. Attend the necessary seminars , trainings , buy the books, listen to appropriate tapes etc. Engage yourself with constant quest for knowledge, apply the same and your level will change. Keep soaring and be blessed.

This is one of the most common causes of failure."Old Man Procrastination" stands within the shadow of every human being, waiting his opportunity to spoil one's chances of success. Most people go through life as failures, because they are waiting for the "time to be right" to start doing something worthwhile. Do not wait. The time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. We often hear that procrastination is the thief of time. But I want to tell you that it is not just only the thief of time but the enemy of success in life. Don't look for the best time because if you do, the best time will never come. Go out there with faith, face the challenges and get things done. Start that business by the roadside, go for that training, start that masters degree, study that book., then wait on God to bring u to your promise land. The reason why you need not to postpone is because life is too short to be wasted on frivolities. If you can conquer procrastination, and get to work with faith, then your change of levels will be imminent. Keep soaring and be blessed.

One of the things that guarantees your exploits in life is SELF-DISCIPLINE. Show me a man with discipline and I will show u a man that is On the ladder of great exploits. Have you imagined to ask yourself how great you will ever be if you go the right places, eat the right food, visit the right friends or read the right books. To be disciplined is to Command the body what to do. There is no distinction without discipline. Discipline comes through self control. This means that one must control all negative qualities. Before u can control conditions, you must first control yourself. If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self. “Refuse discipline and end up homeless: embrace correction and live an honored life” Prov. 13:18 MSG Imagine a car without break. It runs into the pit. So it is with the life without discipline and self control. The life will definitely run into various pits of life set by the devil. From this day, learn to be disciplined to be distinguished. Don’t just do things because others are doing it. Choose to be different in the right things and your testimony is sure coming. Keep soaring and be blessed.

The spend-thrift cannot succeed, mainly because he stands eternally in FEAR Of POVERTY. Form the habit of systematic saving by putting aside a definite percentage of your income. There is little chance for a spending harlot to succeed. Money in the bank gives one a very safe foundation of COURAGE when bargaining for the sale of personal services. Without money, one must take what one is offered, and be glad to get it. You don’t spend all your have on daily basis and expect to stand out in life, when you are not in a spending competition. The greatest harm to financial instability is wasteful spending. I read a testimony of a Corp member who was saving a chunck part of his merger Nysc allowance every month in a separate account. By the time he finished serving, the money has amounted to something reasonable. He gathered it and started a restaurant (mama put) business in lagos. He did it with intense passion and vigour counting on the grace of God on daily basis. Today, this ex Corp member is an owner of one of the biggest eatery in lekki lagos. While this young guy was saving, others were complaining that they can't save money that is not even enough for them. Most of them past out of nysc looking for a job that never existed. LOOK, WHAT YOU SPEND HAS GONE BUT WHAT YOU SAVE CAN SAVE YOU. START SAVING TO BE SAVED. Don't just eat up all your business income when you are not in a spending spree. Have a budget, plan your daily or monthly income. A person that receives a merger amount of money can make more impact than a person with a huge monthly pay simply on better management and budgeting. I see your testimony coming very soon if you will just do what u are required to do. Keep soaring and be blessed.


Enthusiasm is synonymous to passion.  Passion is the engine that drives a person to go beyond his/her limit. If you lack passion or enthusiasm, then there is a limit to where you can be or reach in life.  No matter the situation around you, never allow then to depress you. ENTHUSIASTIC and vibrant people are more prone to succeed than negative people. Enthusiasm is the engine that empowers your passion to deliver. Show me a man of enthusiasm and I will show u a man that is filled with vigor waiting to explode. I see you changing levels very soon. Keep soaring and be blessed.

Most of us are good “starters” but poor “finishers” of everything we begin. Moreover, people are prone to give up at the first signs of defeat. There is no substitute for PERSISTENCE. The person who makes PERSISTENCE his watch-word, discovers that “Old Man Failure” finally becomes tired, and makes his departure. Failure cannot cope with PERSISTENCE. Go back to that door for that job, apply again for that job, start that business deal afresh. Do not get tired. Try doing that JAMB again. Some have done it more than you and today they are graduates. You are not a failure yet until you have exhausted the last power of persistence. I want to see your testimony coming forth as you keep being persistent in your right pursuit in life knowing that life is not a bird of roses but a battlefield and battles are not won by crying and despondency but by a calculated drive of hardworking filled with a PERSISTENT SPIRIT.


Men who succeed reach decisions promptly, and change them, if at all, very slowly. Men who fail, reach decisions, if at all, very slowly, and change them frequently, and quickly. Indecision and procrastination are twin brothers. Where one is found, the other may usually be found also. Kill off this pair before they completely "hog-tie" you to the treadmill of FAILURE. DECISION IS DISCOVERY WITHOUT DISCOVERY THERE IS NO DISTINCTION. FROM TODAY, DECIDE ON WHAT YOU WANT OUT OF LIFE, THIS WILL LEAD TO YOUR DISCOVERY AND EVENTUAL DOMINION.

Mediocrity means moderate ability or value. The quality of being not very good. Life offers no hope for the person who is just indifferent as not to want to get ahead in life, and who is not willing to pay the price to get ahead in life. mediocrity is quite simple, It is a lifestyle I call " life of comfort zone". All you have to do is just go with the flow. Go to work, punch the clock, put in eight hours and promptly head home…and once you are home, you can settle in on the couch and waste countless hours of your time, surfing the internet or watching television. Then get a good night’s rest and head to work to punch that clock again! Whao! How exciting!! People in this comfort zone suffer from what I call " comfort zone syndrome" they are satisfied with their status and when you want to talk to them, they tend to tell you that they know more than you. life offers little for people suffering from this syndrome and is a major cost of failure in life. It is no wonder so many people feel slightly unsettled and lead unfulfilled lives. Now here is  the kicker… It has been noted, that the measurable difference between a man or woman of achievement and success, in contrast to a man or woman of mediocrity, is only 2%. That’s right…only 2%! A person of success decides to stay at work just a little later to ensure the job is done.A person of success decides to give extra when getting the job done. A person of success only feels satisfied when they know they have given their absolute best. A person of success has a distaste for mediocrity that far exceeds their distaste for hard work. Remember, the gift that tomorrow brings, is the ability to do the same things we already did, differently and better than we did them yesterday. Keep the faith! Keep your vision! Keep walking!! Let’s murder mediocrity!


There is no hope of success for the person who repels people through a negative personality. Success comes through the application of POWER, and power is attained through the cooperative efforts of other people. A negative personality will not induce cooperation and cooperation is necessary to attain success. Life is not meant to be spent alone, it is meant to be spent in group. A negative personality is one who never sees anything good in other people. He/she is often alone and people hardly go close to such people. He/she repels people because of the inherent character he/she possesses. When you repel people from yourself through your behaviour, you become a “lone ranger”, therefore What will necessarily take little time to achieve, you will achieve with an elongated time frame. NEGATIVE people don’t smile, they see negative in all they do, if you tell them your problems, they will compound it. They enter into business and life with such personality and repel people from themselves. For such people, success is very slim. Learn to smile, be positive, welcome people beside you with an undaunted frame of optimism then the long awaited “connection” you have been waiting for will come to you.


The gambling instinct drives millions of people to failure. Evidence of this may be found in a study of the Wall Street crash of `29, during which millions of people tried to make money by gambling on stock margins and these people crashed. There is always a price to pay for anything under heaven. Such price maybe in form of your time, it may be your energy, comfort or even your finances. “when anything is free, be careful it may not be free on its actual sense” the quest to have something for nothing has dragged some people into a line of poverty level which they struggle to come out from. Some want to be rich but don’t want to pay the price to be rich. Some consult demons and occult groups to make money. Remember “it is the blessings of the Lord that maketh rich and it added no sorrow to it.” Proverbs 10:22 when God gives you, He secures it, but when you gamble and manoure to get it yourself, you end up struggling. Uncontrolled desire for something for nothing has made so many people perpetually poor. Get out today, and prepare to work hard as a price for success and success will locate you by divine grace. Keep soaring and be blessed


The person who takes no chances, generally has to take whatever is left when others are through choosing. Over-caution is as bad as under-caution. Both are extremes to be guarded against. Life itself is filled with the element of chance. I want you to have a look around all your friends who are over cautious, they are either living an average life or are even poor. Life generally is a risk. Therefore taking risk is part of life. Those who take risks, face challenges which they overcome and their level changes. You will often hear people in the business circle telling you that business is a risk. So it is also with life generally. Therefore being over cautious can make you remain at your comfort zone with little or no progress. Start that little business by the road side with the little capital you have. I mean go ahead and take that risk. Stop waiting for a favourable time because such a time does not exist. If you don’t want to be labelled as a failure today, then take that calculated risk today. Keep soaring and be blessed


Sex energy is the most  powerful of all the stimuli which move people into ACTION. Because it is the most powerful of the emotions, it must be controlled, through transmutation, and converted into other channels.Uncontrolled  sexual urge has landed so many people into a land of serious regrets in life. Do u know there is power in sex?  Sex is so powerful that it has brought down great men and women In life. Failure is inevitable for a man or woman who allows his/her passion for sex  to override the pursuit of meaning in life. There is no sin in having a sexual urge but there is sin in not controlling a sexual urge. Today is val, so don't allow a 5mins enjoyment to deprive u a God ordained success. You are a winner personified only if you know what it takes to continuously win. Tell that guy or gal to wait for the appointed time, u must not eat that fruit today because there are better days coming your way. Look,  SEXUAL LIFE NOT CONTROLLED IS LIFE NOT CONTROLLED AND LIFE NOT CONTROLLED IS DESTINY DESTROYED AND DESTINY DESTROYED LEADS TO FAILURE IN LIFE." make your choice today. HAPPY VAL TO YOU ALL. Keep soaring and be blessed.

15. WRONG SELECTION OF MARRIAGE PARTNER:                                                                            This is a most common cause of failure. The relationship of marriage brings people intimately into contact. Unless this relationship is harmonious, failure is likely to follow. Moreover, it will be a form of failure that is marked by misery and unhappiness, destroying all signs of AMBITION.                                                          The bigger question is "why do marriages fail?" Answer: Wrong choices or choosing criteria. A friend of mine once told me that he was seeking a soulmate that would be beautiful, tall and fair, and must be at least ten years younger. I asked him whether he wasn't interested in her character and other personal attributes. "Ok her character should be good too", he replied as an afterthought. I told him then he had perfect recipe for a disastrous marriage. Of course he found his beauty queen. But the marriage lasted exactly five months and ten days. He is also not doing well in his business since marital woes affect our success in life, one should endeavour to make the right choices. Primary criteria should be on character traits and intrinsic attributes of the partner rather than on personality traits and physical attributes which in most cases the partner in question has no hand in acquiring. Attributes like beauty, complexion, age, etc are God's gifts unlike qualities like fear of God, honesty, diligence, cleanliness etc, which are acquired and perfected over time. These are the qualities that endure the test of time. They should form the primary criteria for marriage if you must hope for enduring marriage. The other personal attributes which fall under the 'Personality ethic' can at best form your secondary search criteria. They are 'mmezi, jara, fisi' or if you like, added benefits. For those who have made mistakes already, there is still hope. Love is reciprocal. Love and dialogue can melt the hardest of hearts and change the most nauseating character. Adopt these today and you'll have many testimonies in your life and work sooner than you expect. Keep soaring and be blessed.

16. LACK Of ENTHUSIASM.                                         

Without enthusiasm one cannot be convincing. Moreover, enthusiasm is contagious, and the person who has it, under control, is generally welcome in any group of people.                                                                                 When one is enthusiastic about what one is doing, he throws everything he has into it and chances are that he/she will definitely find success. Ever wondered why artists, musicians, athletes, etc excel more than their white collar counterparts? The reason is simple - they enjoy themselves while earning money.                                                                          While guiding a ward in career choice, emphasis should be on what he enjoys doing. Unfortunately, nearly everyone wants his/her child to become medical doctor or engineer or lawyer, etc as if these professions guaranteed success and happiness. Even at schools, the teachers unconsciously believe that the more intelligent students should offer science subjects instead of arts. And so you find the students struggling between navigating to their core competencies and wallowing in foisted choices. I've never ceased to wonder if I wouldn't have made a better lawyer or a writer than an engineer. I'm sure this is the predicament of many too.                                                                                  Go inside today, seek out what makes you happy. That's your God-ordained profession. Throw yourself into it and success is assured. If you are already wondering whether you are in the right place, you can always indulge yourself by taking up your talent as your hobby. I'm just doing that now. Above all, don't forget it is never late to turn around. Who says I can't become a lawyer soon? And if I can turn around, you too can.                                                                           Keep soaring and be blessed.

17.INTOLERANCE.                                                      The person with a “closed” mind on any subject seldom gets ahead. Intolerance means that one has stopped acquiring knowledge. The most damaging forms of intolerance are those connected with religious, racial, and political differences of opinion .                                                                              I think that says it all or should I continue? I will only point fingers. You wanna know the amount of success brought about by religious intolerance? Look up North in Nigeria where Boko Haram has brought "untold success" to that region. What about racism (ethnicity)? Don't go too far. The Nigerian example is apt. Our rapid development (whether positive or negative) since independence, nay amalgamation, says it all. We have even elevated ethnicity to the state of national policy. Notice that your state of origin is always asked of you in any official document from registration of your sim card through your application for job and indeed anything that requires you to give any information about yourself. Of course I'm beginning to believe that your state of origin will improve the quality of your gsm network and even improve your efficiency at work. So how far have we fared with racial discrimination? You tell me.What about politics? Again Nigeria is a classical illustration of the negative effects of political intolerance. No political party can ever give kudos to the good works of the other. Criticism rather than critiquing becomes the chief employment of our politicians. And what do you think is the easiest job one can do? - Criticism. It is very convenient to point accusing finger on anyone but oneself. Time to look at ourselves and weed out the spirit of intolerance. If we can do this we would have effectively removed the shackles clipping our wings.                                                       Keep soaring and be blessed.


The Six basic fears are:
1.Fear of poverty
2. Fear of criticism
3. Fear of ill health
4. Fear of old age
5. Fear of loss of love
6. Fear of death
If you can overcome these basic fears, then you cannot fail. Those who allow these basic fear to overcome them are already failure. We're living longer, healthier and with more money. That doesn't mean the fears are gone. Let's look at the primary fear. #1: FEAR OF POVERTY. "(Warren) Buffett had planned to hold onto his money until his death, but he changed his mind after his wife, Susie, died in 2004." --- Fortune, Jan 2008 The fear of poverty is widespread. Even for those with lots. Warren Buffett didn't want to donate the bulk of his wealth until his death. In contrast, Bill and Melinda Gates plan to give away 95% during their lifetimes, which is causing their children to fear there won't be enough left for them. Here are the symptoms of the fear of poverty.

*lack of ambition
*tolerance for poverty
*mental and physical laziness
*lack of initiative, imagination, enthusiasm, self-control

2. Indecision *letting others do the thinking *sitting on the fence

3. Doubt *excuses to cover up, explain or apologize for own failures *envy or criticism of the successful
4. Worry *finding fault with others *spending beyond earnings *neglect of personal appearance *frowning; nervousness; lack of poise *self-consciousness *excess use of alcohol or other drugs
5. Over-caution *seeking out negatives *knowing all roads to disaster but none to avoid failure *pessimism leads to indigestion, bad breath and a bad disposition
6. Procrastination *putting off until tomorrow what should have been done last year *working on excuses rather than finishing the work *refusing to accept responsibility *compromising

#2. FEAR OF CRITICISM criticism steals initiative, destroys our power of imagination, limits our individuality and takes away our self-reliance. Yes! Let's explore more. Symptons Here are the main symptoms
1.Self-consciousness *nervousness *timidity in conversation and meeting strangers *awkward hand and limb movements
2.Lack of Poise *lack of voice control *nervousness in the presence of others *poor body posture *poor memory 3.Personality *indecisiveness; side-stepping issues *lacking personal charm *unable to express opinions definitely *agreeing with others without first examining their opinions
4. Extravagance *spending beyond income to keep up with others *Inferiority Complex expressing self-approval by words or actions to hide a feeling of inferiority *using big words to impress others *imitating others in dress, speech and manners
5.Lack of Initiative *failing to embrace opportunities for advancement *reluctant to express opinions *lacking confidence in own ideas *giving evasive answers to superiors *hesitation in manner and speech *deceit in words and deeds
6.Lack of Ambition *mental and physical laziness *lack of self-assertion *slowness in reaching decisions *easily influenced by others *giving up *criticizing the absent and *praising the present *lacking tact in manner and speech *unwilling to accept blame for mistakes

#3. FEAR OF ILL HEALTH Fear of disease can produce physical symptoms of the disease feared . the symptoms include : 1.Auto-Suggestion *negative self-talk *“enjoying” imaginary diseases, treating them as real *favouring “quack” treatments over professional help 2.Hypochondria (imaginary disease) *concentrating the mind upon disease *negative thinking --> expecting disease to appear 3.Exercise *lack of physical exercise leads to becoming overweight 4.Susceptibility *body’s resistance breaks down --> easier to contract a disease *can lead to too much time preparing for sickness 5.Self-Coddling *using an imaginary illness to seek sympathy (and get out of work) *hides laziness and lack of ambition 6.Intemperance *use of alcohol and other drugs to destroy pains, rather than eliminating the causes #4 FEAR OF LOSS OF LOVE. This may be the most painful fear. At least it seems that way if you listen to popular music . the symptoms include: 1.Jealousy *suspicion of friends and loved ones without reasonable evidence *suspicion of everyone --> no absolute faith in anyone 2.Fault Finding *with friends, relatives, colleagues, and loved ones without any cause 3.Gambling *thinking love can be bought gambling, stealing, cheating, 4.over-spending *leads to insomnia, nervousness, lack of persistence, lack of self-control, lack of self-reliance, bad temper #5 FEAR OF OLD AGE Old age can take away freedom and independence (physical and economic). 1.Slowing Down *feeling the best years are past 2.Apologizing for Being Old rather than expressing gratitude for being alive 3.Narrow Thinking *no longer taking initiative, using imagination or maintaining self-reliance 4.Mimicking dressing and acting like much younger people --> ridiculed by friends and strangers #6 FEAR OF DEATH This fear can be the cruelest fear for some. Is there life after life? The question of what happens after death can be troubling.The symptoms include : 1.Thinking About Dying *instead of making the most of life 2.Lacking Purpose *too much time to worry when not busy 3.Burden on Loved Ones could leave loved ones in poverty due to death or illness prior to death        CHECK THESE BASIC FEARS AND THEIR SYMPTOMS. IF ANY IS IN YOU, THEN FIGHT IT TO JOIN THE COMPANY OF SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE. Keep soaring and be blessed. 19. INTEMPERANCE. Have you ever seen a successful drunkard? Why don't people like to be addressed as or even associated with tosspots, gluttons or nymphos? The most damaging forms of intemperance are connected with eating, strong drinking, and sexual activities. Overindulgence in any of these is fatal to success. Show me a pisshead who achieved some degree of success (in the real sense of the word) and I'll show you another who would have achieved a phenomenal success had he been sober, and a thousand more who could have lived better if they were not engrossed in the intoxication pastime. Drunks rarely are in control of themselves let alone their situations. Now how can one succeed in that situation? Gluttons rarely possess the mental capacity to do strenuous work, especially intellectual. One of my favorite teachers in my younger days, Late Mr. U. S. N. Udunni always told us that an intelligent and productive man always leaves the refectory/dining room a bit hungry. Over-indulgence in sex leaves one energetically depleted. Where then can a Nymphomaniac acquire the energy to work with? And if he can't effectively work, where will he derive his success from? Resolve today to moderate your intemperance and you're on that road to success; away from the road to perdition. Of course this does not. come easy. Your intemperance must have been acquired over time. Consequently, it must be conquered over time. But the most critical stage is the decision stage. Take that decision today and there'll be no stopping you. Keep soaring and be blessed.

20. EGOTISM AND VANITY. Anyone who believes he knows it all is doomed to fail in most of his/her endeavours. The qualities of egotism and vanity serve as red lights which warn others to keep away. THEY ARE FATAL TO SUCCESS. An Egotist believes he is the best thing created by God and he is never tired of communicating this to those around him by deeds and indeed, by words. He likes making everyone else feel inferior. How then can he learn anything from lesser mortals? He who does not know and doesn't know that he knows not, and doesn't even want to know that he knows not, that's an Egotist. He seldom, if at all, achieves much in life. The only applause he gets to hear is the hollow noise of his own voice. Watch out for this pitfall and eliminate it and you can be sure to meet others at the top. Keep soaring and be blessed

21.INABILITY TO COOPERATE WITH OTHERS . More people lose their positions and their big opportunities in life, because of this fault, than for all other reasons combined. It is a fault which no well-informed business man, or leader will tolerate. Why is football arguably the most loved sport in the whole world? My Answer: "It has the greatest number of players working together in a team." Here then success is dependent on the team work and not necessarily on individual brilliance. Many have argued that Lionel Messi shines most only when he plays for Barcelona Football Club unlike when he is playing in any other team. I don't know if that could be said of Christiano Ronaldo but that is an exceptional case. The point I'm making is that we stand a very much higher chance of success when we cooperate with each other as a team. Another classic example is the success story of the present Bayern Munich football Club. Not traceable to any individual brilliance but to team effort. Now time to come home. Who is more important in the University community for instance? ASUU -the teachers? SSANU -the senior staff who attends to office matters? NASU -the unskilled labourers who attend to day to day needs of all like cleanliness of the environment? STUDENTS -who are being taught? Of course there won't be the school where there are no scholars to teach. But even professors won't have time to teach students if they also have to attend to students' files, registration processes and other matters attended by SSANU. NASU have nothing to do with academics which is the major reason for the institution, yet any student will tell you for free that whereas students can stay back in the school for personal academic work in the face of strikes by SSANU and, or ASUU, it is impossible for any student to stay behind when NASU goes on strike. All have to work together as a team. How effectively and efficiently can you work in that your lovely office if there are no cleaners to keep it clean or messengers to run errands or clerks to push the files, etc. St Paul in the Bible caps it perfectly with his analogy wt the human body. The hand cannot refuse to work so as to punish other parts of the body neither can the mouth refuse to accept food so that other parts of the body would starve. Why then would somebody hope to succeed in life thinking he alone is all important and does not need the cooperation of others. A word is enough for the wise. Keep soaring and be blessed.

(Sons and daughters of wealthy men, and others who inherit money which they did not earn). One of my friends told me that why he wanted to send his kids abroad for their tertiary education was because "Nigerian Universities are too stressful". I reminded him that we all passed through these same 'stressful universities' and were better for it. His reply, "well my kids have been over-pampered and exposed to higher standards and they may not be able to cope." All that another friend of ours, Fr. Casmir Anozie and I said to make him realize that one day these kids would inadvertently face this harsh or even harsher world could not convince him to remove, albeit to some extent, the protective shied he was casting over his kids. This is typically what happens with the rich. Hence you hear statements like "No child of mine will suffer what I suffered again in life". Well I always reply such a person "what didn't kill you will not kill your child either". While I'm not advocating depriving your children of the basic necessities and even luxuries of life, if you can afford them, I believe care should be taken to inculcate good principles like hard work, diligence, self reliance, etc into them. In fact that's the only way to preserve, sustain and enhance your successes in your children. What do you think is the reason why the children of the rich and the powerful mostly don't do as well as their ancestors? My Answer: "The ancestors mostly fail to groom successors." Where are the children of the great Zik, the Awolowos, the Ahmadu Bellos, the Mbakwes, even the Abiolas of yesterday? If you look around in your society you'll discover the story is same everywhere. Power in the hands of one who did not acquire it gradually, is often fatal to success. QUICK RICHES are more dangerous than poverty. Let life, history and the experience of others teach us today. And if you find yourself among the over-pampered, start today to learn the value of self reliance. You will not regret the decision. Keep soaring and be blessed. 23. INTENTIONAL DISHONESTY "We must consciously strive to be honest before we can honestly tell our children that 'Honesty is the best policy". There is no substitute for honesty. One may be temporarily dishonest by force of circumstances over which one has no control, without permanent damage. But, there is NO HOPE for the person who is dishonest by choice. Sooner or later, his deeds will catch up with him, and he will pay by loss of reputation, and perhaps even loss of liberty. My Rector in my younger days Fr. Clifford Aniefuna always told us that it took about three extra lies to cover up one lie; then each of the three lies would require another three. So it continues until the liar is caught or exposed. I have witnessed countless situations in business where someone was given goods on credit only for the debtor to sell the goods and divert the proceeds instead of paying the creditor. These situations always end up in similar manner. The debtor always runs out of options as people soon realize he is untrustworthy and dishonest, the consequence of which is that nobody would agree to extend credit facility to him again. He turns around blaming his failure in business on everything and everybody but himself. Dishonest people believe they can always outsmart everybody. Remember that "you can fool some people for sometime but you can't fool all the people all the time". If you must succeed, you must strive to make your word your bond. Things may prove difficult at first when you refuse to cut corners, if you stand firm, however, you can be sure your success is not long in coming. Keep soaring and be blessed.


Some years back in Dubai, an Indian man tried to sell Emirates Family Vacation Ownership Club Memberships to me and my friend Mr. Ekpe Ndiyo. We so bombarded him with questions about his package that the man retorted, "did you say you are Nigerians". "Of course", we confirmed. After a thoughtful look at us he blurted out, "Most Nigerians that come here don't usually ask all these questions. In fact most make their deposits within thirty minutes of our seminar, though, most come back to request refund of their deposits" Of course he meant this a compliment but I took it as an insult and I made sure he knew how I felt. But was he wrong? I doubt. Most people are too indifferent or lazy to acquire Facts with which to THINK ACCURATELY. They prefer to act on “opinions” created by guesswork or snap-judgments. How many of us have ever bothered to find out the true contents of the now legendary 'terms and conditions' that 'apply' in most spurious promos dished out to us by our gsm network providers? How many have ever read the manuals of their gsm phones before operating same? My experience in the banking sector has taught me that most of us do not understand fully the terms and conditions of the loans we take to run our businesses. That's why you have scenarios where for instance, someone borrows N1,000,000 from bank, pays back N1,650,000 over two year period and still owes the bank more than the principal sum. It could be that the structure of the loan is such that the repayment installments should be made on specific dates; failure of which automatically switches the interest rates to exorbitant default rates. But how will the beneficiary of such loan know this if he does not painstakingly go through his contract documents. I currently run a travel agency. Now each ticket has rules and penalties for breaching the rules, especially the promo tickets. I am yet to see someone who goes through the rul es of the tickets. Most people don't even pay attention when you try to explain the penalties to them. I can go on and on but for want of space. The point is that you stand a very good chance of costly financial and general loss if you continue to dabble into contracts without first grabbing all the salient facts. Therefore I urge you for the sake of your success to "look before you leap". Keep soaring and be blessed.

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