May I quickly remind you whom you are once more so that your soaring higher becomes unquenchable. Bear in mind the following:
1. Imitation is limitation. You can't rise above the person or people you are copying or envying. The best you can be is number two to that person.
2. You are peculiar, special and dedicated.
3. Pay the price to hear from God and dare to be different.
4. Don't be a stranger to your self. Love yourself. Stop comparing yourself to others.
When you bear all these in mind, then know that a tree without its root will die someday. Remember that God did not make a mistake by creating you
an African. My own God is unchangeable and He makes no
mistakes. He is all wise, know that your destiny cannot be wasted in His perfect plan.
Don't die in self pity. You have made people to pity you enough. Loose that bond now and begin to operate on the
reality of whom you are created to be.
Don't despise your present status and don't think others are better than you. That some of your friends are importers and exporters does not belittle who u are created to be.
Remember that those who despise small beginnings never live to experience their great endings.
John L Mason said, " when you try to be like someone else, the best you can ever be is number two.
Stop imitating anybody because YOU ARE LOADED, SPECIAL AND UNCOMMON! Discover yourself, focus on your focus and the world will make you their focus.
Remain lifted, keep soaring and be blessed.
To some people, success is based on luck, a chance throw of dice and a random whim of fate. But in reality, luck has nothing to do with it.
Success is earned. Success is developed and success is achieved. If success were a thing of luck, why don't you have one?
Life is about principles. Today I will lead you to some " luck principles".
It is very possible to control, even to predict " luck" by hard work and concentrating on certain luck principles.
1. Know clearly what you want - if you don't know where you are going, how will you know when you get there.
2. Have a plan of action and actually put that plan into action.
3. Constantly remind yourself of your goals even when friends and family don't see it from the direction at which
you are seeing it at the moment. They will say ' waooooo" someday.
4.. Be flexible - don't be like a bull in a China shop, step back, re- evaluate the situation and adjust accordingly.
5. Make a decision. Abide by it and make it work. Incorporating divine finger in the process.
6. Stop complaining when things are not going the way you thing they should, instead examine the potential outcome of your action.
7. Be generous with your time and money, sow before you leap, give without expecting a return.
8. Be patient as they say " Rome wasn't built in a day" sometimes things take a much longer than you imagined.
Stick at it. You will get there.
9. Perseverance- the greater the result you want, the greater and more sustained the effort.
10. Cultivate the right actitude- if you have the eight actitude to the job in hand, then half the battle is already won.
11. Have the courage and conviction to propel yourself towards your goals.
12. Discipline yourself to carry out the task daily. This is perhaps the most important principle.
Following these 12 commandments and many more as the Lord will be opening up for you daily will make u a born
great man.
Success and happiness are not accidents. If you master the principles that influence " luck" you will increase the probability that you will be at the right place and at the right time to accomplish the things that are most important to you. So don't just wish that things will come right, make them come right and people will calls you " lucky"
A jobless man applied for the position of "office boy" at Dangote cement factory. The HR manager interviewed him
then watched him cleaning the floor as a test. "You are employed" he said."
Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the application to fill in, as well as date when you may start".The man replied "But I don't have a computer, neither an email."
"I'm sorry", said the HR manager, "If you don't have an email, that means you do not exist. And who doesn't exist, cannot have the job ."
The man left with no hope at all. He didn't know what to do, with only 2000 naira in his pocket. He then decided to go to Wannune a nearby town to buy 3Bags of oranges then he took the oranges to another nearby city and
sold the oranges in a door to door round. In less than 2hrs, he succeeded to double his capital. He repeated the
operation three times, and returned home with 6000 naira .The man realized that he can survive by this way, and
started to go everyday earlier, and return late. Thus, his money doubled or tripled everyday. Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck ,then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles . 5 years later,
the man is one of the biggest food retailers in Markudi Benue state capital.
He started to plan his family's future, and decided to have a life insurance . He called an insurance broker , and chose a
protection plan. Wen the conversation was concluded, the broker asked him his email.The man replied, "I don't have an email ".The broker answered curiously, "You don't have an email, and yet have
succeeded to build an empire. Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an email? !!" The man thought for
a while and replied, " Yes, I'd be an office boy at Dangote Cement ".
Moral of the story:
1. No one qualification is the solution to your life.
2. You may not have what they need, but you have all you need to succeed..
3. Don't die looking for job, you have what is necessary to start something.
4. If you can think enough, what you have at hand is enough.
5. Everybody mustn't get hired for a paid job, you can start small and as time goes on you will find out that you will be
hiring people to work for you.
6. Life is about ideas, a single drop of idea in your mind which you settle down with is enough to change your status
in life.
7. Do not wait until you have a convenient time to start because if you do, such convince might elude you.
8.You don't grow big to manage well, you manage well to grow big.
9. IF you jump up, you will fall down, but if you grow up, you will stay up.
If this man can make it, you too can make it. Stop waiting until you are hired. Start something no matter how small it
may look like so that in a near future, you will be hiring people to work for you.
Keep soaring and be blessed.
Successful people and winners have no different head from unsuccessful people. What simply differentiate them is their approach to life. Today, let us go through five qualities of successful people which I have found out. You ride on the wings of giants as you approach your land of exploit. Take your time to go through
these qualities and learn from them as you move forward to your dream land.
Some of these qualities I have found out which I want to share today Include :
1. They have an end in mind.
You feel lost when you do not have a destination to move towards. People who achieved great success have an end in mind. They know what they want and they commit themselves to achieve it. When you have a goal, you have something to focus on. If you do not have a goal, you will be wandering around feeling lost. Having an end in mind can help guide you towards your destination.
2. Have a reason
Having an end in mind is only one part of the story. Winners have a reason behind their goals. They know their purpose
behind achieving their goals.
The journey towards your goals is full of obstacles. Most people gave up half way because they lack reasons behind
their goals. However, those who have strong reasons behind their goals have higher chances to move past those
obstacles. The likelihood of giving up is drastically higher if you do not
have reasons behind your goals. If you have a goal to lose 20kg of weight but lack reasons behind it, you will find it
hard to achieve this goal. However, if you have a strong reason such as you want to lose 20kg in 3 months time because
you want to look your best during your wedding ceremony, the likelihood of losing weight is much higher.
When you have a compelling reason to support your goals, you drastically increase the possibility of achieving it.
3. Have a support group
It is easy to give up when you are alone on this journey. Form a support or mastermind group to help you along the
way. To form your own support group, find like-minded people who want to achieve similar goals. Keep your group small with only two to six people. You need to choose your members carefully. Choose members who are positive, goal
oriented and are pursuing similar goals to yours.
4. They are particular about how they spend their time
If you do not know how you spend your time, you will waste most of your time away. Time is one of our most precious
resources. You can waste your money and still manage to earn it back but there isn’t any way for you to get back your
time if you waste it away.
You have to be aware of how you spent your time. If you want to achieve your goals but you are spending 70 percent
of your time watching TV and hanging out with friends, most likely you will not reach your goals.
Keep a time log. There are many mobile and web-based applications that can help you track where you are
spending your time. Rescue Time is a great web-based app that can help you track what you are doing on the computer and how much time you spent on each different site.
Use your preferred time log to get a clear picture of how you are spending your time and make the necessary
adjustments. If you are serious about changing your life and achieving your goals, spend more time on the essential
tasks instead of time wasters.
5. Try fast, fail fast, keep trying and never give up
It is hard to hit the target with your first try. This is why winners try fast, fail fast, keep trying and never give up .
There are many things that you don’t know how to do it and trial and error is one of the ways to help you pick up new
stuff. You can learn faster by trying faster and failing more times in a shorter period. You learn at a slower pace when you are too slow to take action. When you take action to try fast, you will learn at a faster rate and know what things
work and what don’t. You can make the necessary adjustments along the way to
make things right and move closer to your goals. If you are slow to take action, you jeopardize the whole process and
slow down your progress.You may face many frustrations during your learning
process. However, don’t give up. Keep on trying out new ideas that you had picked up. Keep doing those that work
and kick away ideas that don’t work.
There is a short cut to this process. Get yourself a mentor or a coach. Whether you want to lose weight or start your
own online business, a mentor who has been there can help you move faster towards your goal. Since they had already reached where you want to be, they will know about the challenges that you will face and what will work for you. Borrow their knowledge and you will
achieve your goals in a much shorter amount of time. If you decide to make a difference to your life, I challenge
you to take action now. Start planning for your goals. Will you take up the challenge?
Keep soaring and do remain blessed.
As we go in this series of greatness. I quickly want to remind you that nobody knows you more than you know yourself.
They may boast that they know you or that they were even present when you were born but the truth of the matter is that God has a tag on you that reads: WORK IN PROGRESS, END
Your end product is hidden from mortals and demons, that is why the Bible says " had they known, they would not have
crucified the Lord of glory (1Cor.2:8)
Do you know that most times, OBSTACLES ARE THE RAW
No matter what you are facing today, remember that you know yourself more than is necessary. You therefore must
connect to your manufacturer (God) to show you how to live. Life is a school where the lecture (God) has a hidden
syllabus. Therefore, consult the lecturer (God) daily with the manual (Bible) so that you can get the syllabus and thus
graduate into a life of unlimited exploits.
Keep soaring and be blessed.
From our first day on earth until our last, we face different levels of adversity. Adversity may be sickness, a property
loss, or the loss of a family member. It may be a lost career promotion or a
business setback. How we handle these adversities defines how we achieve greatness in our lives.
Let me share the story of James Blake, who overcame multiple adversities -- more than most of us would ever
experience in a lifetime -- and yet achieved greatness .James Blake is a world class professional tennis player enjoying fame and making a six-figure income. However, in his childhood, he
developed a rare disease that required him to wear a body brace for years. Other kids teased him, calling him “Iron
Man” from the Marvel Comic Books, and he felt left out. During this time, he
concentrated on his academics, read a wide variety of books, and developed himself as a well-rounded person. He also developed a heightened awareness for others who are going through difficult
times. Once he had the brace removed, he learned to play tennis with an intense passion not exhibited by many other
tennis players, because he appreciated the opportunity to finally play tennis. He didn’t take this opportunity for granted. He attended Harvard and became the #1 player on their tennis team. As a promising professional player, adversity struck again. In 2004, while practicing for a major tournament, he slipped and fell forward striking his neck against the metal pole that holds the tennis net. James’s doctor said that had James not slightly turned his head, James
would have broken his vertebra and become paralyzed from the neck down.
Instead, he was hospitalized with a fractured vertebra, blurred vision, and dizziness.While in the hospital, James did much soul searching. Many
family members and friends came by to offer encouragement, advice, and
support. His coach was a constant bedside companion and finally asked James, “Do you want to play tennis again?” James said “yes,” and they developed a plan to start his comeback.
With the support of family, friends, and his coach, James started his comeback step by painful step. At first when he
tried to play tennis, he still had to overcome his blurred vision and dizziness. He had doubts whether he would ever handle the 125 mph plus serves of his opponents. Then he
suffered another setback. During his
rehabilitation, his father, with whom he had a very close relationship, developed cancer and passed away. During his father’s sickness, James was by his side. After his father passed away, James was devastated. However, he
regrouped and carried on with the support of his mother, family, friends, and coach. He returned to playing
professional tennis, and there were many more losses than wins. But he stayed focused and determined and
progressively improved. He began playing the top professional players competitively, and he began winning
against the top players.
Then he once again started winning
tournaments. After this long journey, James became one of the top players in the world. What can we learn from James Blake’s journey through adversity to greatness?
The following are three keys to making adversity work for you:
1. If it Doesn’t Kill You, It Makes you Stronger Many times we face adversities and say, “If only I can make it through this.” It may be a sickness, loss of a loved one, job loss, etc. By remaining focused, determined, and concentrating on the positive, many times you can become stronger. Parents are now sheltering their children against
any little adversity for fear it might
be painful. I say allow your children to “grow up” and stop sheltering them from adversity.
Teach them how to make adversity work for them. These adversities and the way they handle the adversities will define who they are and prepare them for challenges in the future. Some of our greatest business leaders, scientists,engineers,inventors,humanitarians, and sport heroes became the
people they are because they overcame adversity.
2. Adversity Develops Unknown Talents
Once the door of adversity closes one opportunity to you, the door of greatness often opens another. James Blake, first
during his sicknesses and then after developed his awareness of helping other unfortunate people. Now he runs
free tennis programs for disadvantaged children. Before his sickness, James was not known for his concentration
and focus on the tennis court.
After his sickness, he developed and became known for his mental toughness. When experiencing adversity, ask yourself, “What positive thing can come out of this?”
3. Adversity Rallies Your Resources
While James was sick, many resources arrived to help him. First, he had the time to step back to reflect on his life, goals,
mission and values. Second, he was able to obtain sound advice from family, friends, and others that he might not
have been able to receive while traveling on the road. His setbacks allowed him to take time to summon resources (advice, help, etc.) he would not have realized if he had been traveling non-stop. He made his “downtime” work for him.
When adversity comes, don’t avoid it; attack adversity with all your resources. The way you manage adversity will define who you are and ready you for future opportunities, because adversity can be your seed of greatness.
Keep soaring and remain lifted even in the face of any adversity.
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